Excellent first game team. I really liked how we were able to overcome half our team showing up 5 min before the start of the game and come through for 31 runs. Yeah, we were playing softball, where the greates athletes in the world PLAY!.
We had first at bats and really showed the other teams in the league what they were in for. I strolled to the plate with a $250 bat made of space age polymer synthetics and took a walk. Kathy then stepped in and promptly crushed the ball. The kid stepped in next and ended all speculation about his late night Survivor watching by launching a missile to the furthest reaches of the 'ghetto'. From there our lineup was off and running, ending with 3 runs and an intimidating message sent.
John 'theKEG'
"I just went out there and wanted to represent the Bomb Squad and Yankee nation and battle and be a competitor" Johnner said through his interpreter. [Actual quote: "I opened up a can of whoop ass on them!...WHOOP ASS...yeah...opened up a can of Whoop ASS..WHOOOOOP ASS!] After quick first inning, the team posted another 4 runs in the bottom of the second, to lead 7-0 and the domination was just beginning as the final score read 31-6.
The game ended with the ump taking us off the field to let the other team hit, but they weakly succumbed to awesome glory.
The game featured 5 home runs, multiple doubles, a triple, swaying arms while running, and the long since forgotten Babe Ruth running style brought you by the Player of the game John 'theKEG'