- College roomates
- friends
- siblings who don't even know how to play the game
- various people who were all moving on the same night
- people who were too cold
- ex boyfriend/girlfriends
- Radio personality Lawrence Holmes of the SCORE 670 who couldn't broadcast this game due to technical difficulties

Bomb Squad News
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
BS Summer '08 Game 2 Recap
Posted by iz3y! at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: BS Summer '08 Game 2, RECAP
BS Summer '08 Game 2 Awards
PLAYER OF THE GAME: Benjamin 'BEN-BEN' Ricter - Saved our ass from forfeit despite being called 40 min before game time and needing a ride from Lincoln Park. Played an very impressive first base and showed off the wheels that made him a DePaul and Wisconsin legend.
BIG STICK of the GAME: iz3y! - Double, Double, Double, Double....using Sarah's 'wondergirl' bat iz3y! enjoyed a his greatest game offensively. In the field, he played Shortstop and Second base, and even almost killed his brother at third with a throw.
Monk AWARD: Amy Hancock - Absolutely stunning patience at the plate drawing countless walks that would later score. Also, provided guidance for Johnner as they teamed up to provide a great pitching performance.
Play of the GAME: Ed 'theSPACEMAN' Lopez - stabbed a hot scorcher to third, then cooly flipped the ball to second for an important rally killing out. Also, reached base and scored using his wheels. His Mongolian Pillow Fighting misses him badly, but we are ecstatic he chose to play with us.
Professional Players of the GAME: Sarah 'SASHA' Schabowski & Johnner 'theCALENO' Londono - Sarah continues to be a true professional at the plate hitting the ball hard and talking that timely walk. Also, handled a very difficult RF which was barely visible due to the poor lighting. Next game, she might need a flashlight to navigate the situation. Johnner brought his usual professionalism to the game. He was all over the field covering bases as necessary and pitching another outstanding game. He also almost pulled off another swinging bunt, and showed great patience at the plate.
GUTTY PERFORMANCEAWARD!: Richard 'theKID' Wojcik - what can u say about a guy who plays with balls with one hand....oh wait....
Seriously, what a gutty performance. The team thought that ball hit his head, which we were comfortable with, since he had the Survivor buff to protect him, but tragically it was his throwing hand. Where most people would have left the game or seeked medical attention, theKID dug in and drove the ball a mile, and played steller defense. Unfortunately, tales of his strength reached other teams in the league and the outfielders were playing so far away they disappeared from view. Still, it inspired the rest of us to go out and battle. GUTTY!
Gamer of the Game Award: Kathy 'KG' Gennuso - She hit a rocket to left, then never slowed down as she zeroed in on second base. An outstanding throw from the LeftFielder would have gunned her down if not for an perfectly executed slide that tore up her leg. Later it would be revealed that she had no intention of ever sliding all year, but after seeing theKID gut out the game, she had no choice but to follow suit and give up some skin for the greater good.
Posted by iz3y! at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: BS Summer '08 Game 2, Game Awards
BS Summer '08 Game 2 Quotes
"so we have a enough players and we can play u guys if u want, I don't think we should both forfeit" - other team despite only having guys and two butch looking girls who were suspect!
"no, WE CAN START THE GAME WITH 8!" -theKID as he produced the rules from his Survivor Buff...a quick glance revealed he other supplies under there!
"ED COVER THIRD...ED COVER THIRD" -iz3y!...ed still forgot to cover third! hahaha...still made a great play
"ITS NOT THE BAT IT'S MY HAND...LOOK AT IT..IT IS HUGE....DAMN IT!" -theKID, anger after making an out after driving a ball 250 feet using pink bat that was caught. surprisingly no ice was under his buff...but he did have a bowie knife. Other items to be revealed...see below.
"we didn't come here to play tiddlywinks" -iz3y!, terrible phrase i picked up in vegas. I will mail back soon.
"I need like a cooler of beers to be ready to pitch" - Johnner, after 4 hours of warming up at Union Park (official bar of the Bomb Squad)
Posted by iz3y! at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: BS Summer '08 Game 2, Quotes