Bomb Squad News
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
BS summer '08 Game 5 Recap
Posted by iz3y! at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: BS summer '08 Game 5, RECAP
BS Summer '08 Game 5 Awards
PLAYER OF THE GAME: Luis 'The Continental' Ugaz - that ball he hit...'she-DONE!' Luis took at least 3 hours of batting practice before the game, lifted weights, and had at least 2 1/2 beers (1 1/2 more than has his average). Luis also played a stellar First base before opting to move over to 2b/RF/RCF area which no one has ever played before. The thinking was good, but man did it look weird. Luis also invented a pill that cures male pattern baldness and erectile dysfunction in one shot, but forgot it five minutes later. (for those of u who don't know, luis comes from a genius family, but has to have the worst memory of any human being. I swear to you he will read this paragraph 5 times, because it is so long, he will forget it right......HERE!)
PLAY OF THE GAME: Johnner 'TheColombian Dandy' Londonno - Facing a 1st and 2nd, 2 out situation, Johnner fielded a softly hit ball headed between 3rd and shorts stop, and despite being 3 feet from third and facing the easy out, he wheeled around, summoned all his strength, and fired the ball to first. Waiting for him was Luis Ugaz who did a full split as he stretched for the ball. Luis spoke in a higher octave the rest of the game!
Fundamental PLAY OF THE GAME - Richard 'theKID' Wojck - featuring Alex 'theProfessor' Mendoza - For the classic example of why you should yell I GOT IT, when u have a play on the ball. The WS team hit a skyrocketing pop fly to shallow leftfield and alex came strolling in at the same time, theKID came barreling through, thanks to this streamlined buff that reduces wind resistance. Alex still no where near the ball, but eyes trained, was leveled as theKID first caught it, then lowered his shoulder into Alex's fourth and fifth rib. Luckiy, all the TaeBo Alex does prevented a serious injury. It seemed excessive when theKID spiked the ball at his feet.
Oddest play that needs Video: Luis 'theContinental' Ugaz / ED 'theGoldenBirthdayBoy' Lopez - Luis played Rf field, Ed played on another diamond. I mean Ed was our Rightfielder and the other diamond's 3b. Luis on the other hand played RF and 1b...and the ball still got over their heads!
At Bat of the Game: Ben 'Country Boy' Ricter - he used a pink bat...yeah...that pretty much says it all!
Ozzie Guillen Moment of the Game: iz3y 'lil ozzie' Lopez - In an attempt to remove Steve from the game after his calf injury, Iz3y attempted to call timeout. So when he asked the ump, the ump turned and in a disgusted manner, "When my back is turned it is obviously a timeout...geez." So iz3y replied, "He is hurt jagoff, i am just trying to get him out of the game!"
Posted by iz3y! at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: BS summer '08 Game 5, Game Awards
BS Summer '08 Game 5 Quotes
"I have to leave...my friend is in a ....bind." - Malisse 'lil mala' Haarl
"Luis...what are u doing in rightfield?" - iz3y...luis plays firstbase
"Hey johnner throw Ted 'Theodore' Logan a strike" - iz3y
(four hundred foot blast later)
"Yeah keep talking shit to him" - Lame ass Wyld Stalyon
"Relax, it is not like I didn't know he wasn't going hit it...i even asked for a strike...so calm down." - iz3y
"Hey bro, I can't run, but I can hit. " - Steve 'andy from office'
"We can get u a runner" - iz3y
"Oh yeah?" - Steve 'andy from office'
"yeah, just get to first" - iz3y
"uhhh...yeah i guess i can do that..."- Steve 'andy from office'
"good..go do that!" - iz3y!
(he didn't)
'I am ready to dominate bags' - Alex 'theProfessor' Mendoza (ten minutes later he was whitewashed 11-0)
"17-3, I am killing ur ass" - Johnner
(10 minutes later)
"Game bitches, 21-19" - iz3y!
"that's bitchmade!" KG to iz3y for not wanting to throw his bag on the board and knock in theKID's bag.
thanks for reading..
another quick note...no more beer in the park. They are sending in swat teams to crack down so we will figure something else out, but we will do something. This time, we need to know who will be coming because we are only buying for people who confirm they are in. We almost had to hire muscle to collect last time and that is not cool. Also, for those of you who need rides, lets figure out something that makes sense. We had people going way out of their way, and i am sure we can hook it up better. We all want to have fun, and so far we have been doing an outstanding job, so let's just get better with rides
Posted by iz3y! at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: BS summer '08 Game 5, Quotes