Bomb Squad News

BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bomb Squad T SHIRTS

We ordered one for everyone (13) and Blue for people new to the team (3).  These have been ordered, paid for and on the way.  You owe theKID 13.37 a shirt, call it 14 if u want.  James, Kelly, and Ryan will have to double that since u guys ordered the Blue Ones as well.  We will be using these next year so this is an investment in TEAM!

BS FALL '08 Game 4 Recap

BS Crew vs. 12 Inchers

On a very late Thursday the BS Crew assembled looking for their first win.  Despite looking good for a few innings in the previous 3 games they have not been able to punch through for a victory.  Thursday's contest seemed to want to test the Team a little more as the injury report listed their starting pitcher (Johnner Londono) as out, team owner (KG) and team manager (iz3y) as doubtful for the game.  Facing another hungry team, this did not seem to be the time for a let down.

Remarkably, KG made the game and Sebastian took the place of iz3y at short and manager.  KG, despite a tragic kick ball episode that made her phobic of the pitcher's mound, toed the rubber and took over as the BS Crew hurler for the night.  Displaying the type of magic that made her a kick ball Cy Young award winner, she tossed a gem.  Mixing in arc with spin, and the occasional roller, she kept the 12 inchers reaching and stretching, unfortunately her defense was just as baffled.  Committing approximately 20 errors the first two innings, the BS crew allowed 14 runs to a team that had not scored a run yet.  The bad play was highlighted by Sebastian, as he had an easy double play opportunity turn into an error as he took his eye off the ball and bobble it.  

The bottom half of the inning would continue the trend of BombSquad offense as James lead the game off with a homer, and with KG standing at first, Bassy launched a deep fly ball into Right Center Field for the BS Crew's second home run of the inning and cut the lead to 8-3.  In the next inning, they cut the lead to 13-11, and then ran away with the game 24-14 to end it after 5 innings and claim their first victory.  

The Power Lefty's of James and Bassy have really given the team a power boost they have not had in a while, and with KG crushing the ball, it seemed to really set a tone through the lineup.  In the midst of that 8 run second inning, many hitters on the team showed incredible patience and good swings.  Ben and Alex seemed to find the nice and easy swing that generates good hard line drives.  Sarah and Kelly showed outstanding patience at the plate and and played very solid defense.  The one key component that is becoming more consistent is the speed that Ed and Nick provide down in our order that is keeping the innings alive for what has to be one of the deadliest 1-4 hitters in the league.  With Richard hitting second, he forced the defense to play on its heels and really wear themselves out.  The quiet star of the game had to be Tracii Beatty, as she teamed up with KG to call and play a great game.  Also she took two walks for the team, and late in the game decided to unleash all her frustrations when she crushed a ball between third and Short.

BS FALL '08 Game 4 Awards

Player(s) of the Game: Kathy 'KG' Gennuso/ Tracii 'She-Ra' Beatty - Teamed up to form a great pitching battery and keep the BS crew in the game while they sorted out their fielding issues.  KG absolutely crushed the ball and tossed a great game.  She also had two put outs and I am sure inbetween innings baked a cake.  Tracii would not be outdone, psyching out hitters, taking walks for the team, and making a very big out for the team to kill any hopes of a rally by the 12 inchers.  Tracii capped off her night with a screaming shot between third and shortstop to pick up her first runs batted in.  

PLAY OF THE GAME: James-to-Bassy-to-KG RELAY -  Tracii's catch of a foul ball killed a rally, but this relay ripped hearts out.  Following a smash to leftfield that seemed to give the 12 inchers another big 2 run homer, james fired the ball to Bassy, and upon instruction of theKID, Bassy turned and fired a strike to the outstretched glove of KG who tagged the runner out at home and killed the 12 inchers spirits.

SPEED KILLS AWARD: Sarah 'Sasha' Schabowski - I know you were thinking Nick or Ed, guys who can hit it to the pitcher and make first easy.  Oh no, I am going with Sarah who got two infield hits and wisely made second each time on bad throws.  

'DYN-O-MITE!' Award: Shadez/Bassy/Ben - Shadez and Bassy combined for two bombs and Ben added another powering the team to big victory.  Ben has been plagued this season with the heavy heart as his Favre now wears a Jets uniform.  This pain has fueled his desire to kill a ball.

Windmill Technique Award:  Shadez/Nick: Completely different styles of coaching. Shadez likes to whisper instructions that no one can hear.  Nick goes with College football sideline hand signals no one can understand.  Both effective and lead to runs.  Who needs convention?

Style Award: Kelly 'Stylez' McCann - Forget best outfit, Kelly took it another level and had her hair done for the GAME!  Top that Ben.  

FOR THE FANS award: Alex 'the professor' Mendoza - Followed theKid's tradition of bringing a fan to the game and gave her something to cheer for by hitting the ball hard and explaining to the fan how he could have hit it harder if he wanted to!!!

BS FALL '08 Game 4 Quotes

"My brother is the manager and i have to listen to him" - ED as he completely ignores me telling him to run to third!

"Oh my god we finally scored a run!" - 12 inchers

[Facial expression] - KG, worth a thousand words...mostly...oh dear god they have never scored a run! YES! WE are going to win

"I thought i had it then I didnt" - Shadez after missing a fly ball he lost in the night.

"Nice hair" - theKID
"Stop talking to me!" - Kelly as she strikes out

"You know we have three free pitchers at the bar!" - Nick

"You know i think i am going to hit this time" - Tracii, just before crushing the ball and after taking two walks

BS FALL '08 Game 4 Coach

I want to thank all of you who showed up. I am sorry i couldnt be there but I hope my evil twin Bassy filled in admirably. I just want to take this time to say that i am extremely happy with the determination and joy we showed yesterday. I hope this underscores the point I have been making all year, that we need to stay positive, play every game until the final out and not get down on ourselves.

I think a few times we have gone into games thinking we were going to lose or after giving up some runs we get down on ourselves. The 12 inchers helped us out yesterday when after scoring a shit load of runs, basically told us that we would be ok because we were going to score on them. They had no faith that they could put us away, and they didn't. We need to take that to heart every game we play. Stay positive, and pick each other up. We have no superstars, we have no bigtimers, WE ARE A TEAM. I am very proud of our effort every game, and especially yesterday when we battled then finished the game off.

Finally, take your time out there. I made an error because i rushed myself. The lighting sux and the field has some issues, so just take ur time and the play in front of you. And if u dont, no biggie, we will pick u up.

You all should feel good, be proud and remember that we came to play the game.


Bomb Squad Report

I have heard my team and fans and I have done something about it.  Welcome to the BombSquad Report, a place to get your recaps, Awards, and Quotes without filling up your e-mail box.  

Quite simply, I will be posting all BombSquad Related news here for all to read and enjoy, plus any team updates that we may have.  All I ask is that you guys participate and check the site often.  Oh, and sign up for gmail accounts...i want interaction.

I want to thank Sarah for directing me to the site, KG for owning the team, and theKid for providing me with a 'writing' buff.