"My brother is the manager and i have to listen to him" - ED as he completely ignores me telling him to run to third!
"Oh my god we finally scored a run!" - 12 inchers
[Facial expression] - KG, worth a thousand words...mostly...oh dear god they have never scored a run! YES! WE are going to win
"I thought i had it then I didnt" - Shadez after missing a fly ball he lost in the night.
"Nice hair" - theKID
"Stop talking to me!" - Kelly as she strikes out
"You know we have three free pitchers at the bar!" - Nick
"You know i think i am going to hit this time" - Tracii, just before crushing the ball and after taking two walks
Actually, Ed's quote came when he was at the plate. The pitcher said something about him not swinging. He then processed to yell this quote, LAY DOWN THE BAT nice and neat and literally walked to first.
"Did we just slaughter a team?" theKID after winning by slaughter...
BOMBSQUAD last slaughter win was on the same field during the first game of the Summer league.
As his witness....This question/quote was directed towards me as we lined up to shake hands.
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