PLAYER OF THE GAME: Richard 'theKid' Wojcik - Started the game with fireworks as he lifted a ball deep into left field for a home run. TheKid also shook off an early defensive miscue, to gun down a runner, make a few game defining catches and put 6 bags in the hole to rip Johnner's will to live from his chest. Also, it has been rumored, that GQ would like to put theKID on the their cover for next month. They have said that he has single handily redefined men's fashion with the 'Survivor Buff' and it is becoming a national craze. So who better than him to grace their cover.
Best non-Play of the GAME: Ed 'theSamurai' Lopez and Kathy 'Ghetto Child' Gennuso - these two teamed up for the most flamboyant non-play of the year. A screeching ground ball was sliced between them with no possiblity of being picked up by mortal hands and what should have been a simple base hit turned into a comedy. Both looked into the dugout and acted out the false dive that cost their Manager/Short Stop his season. "There is NO WAY I AM DIVING!" - ED!
The Hearing impaired Award - Stephen 'Andy from the Office ' Przybysz - first off I try saying his last name...serious...try. Secondly, it took me calling him sweety and baby for him to hear me and move back so that the ball wouldn't end up 300 feet behind him. Am i comfortable with calling another man baby, honey, and/or sweetheart...NO. But I LOVE THIS GAME!
Ozzie Guillen Moment of the game: Iz3y 'lil Ozzie' Lopez - Standing up for his players, Iz3y had a minor confrontation with the ump who insisted, even though we were losing bad, that we should not cover first base on a routine play to first because he could potentially block the runner from going to second. It was an infield grounder, the runner has their own bag, and we are the FUCKING BOMB SQUAD and if we want to stand on the bags and do yoga, we will do just that. quick note...i won't be spelling my name izzie anytime soon, but i might start talking with a thick spanish accent.
TEAM BUILDING AWARD: Alex 'theProfessor' Mendoza/Stephen 'ANDY from the Office' Przybysz - For leading the charge back to Union Park Bar after the game. That is team building people...that is team building. Honorable mention to Kathy for bringing the bags set, driving to the game and driving Luis and iz3y home despite being in the complete direction of where u live. U didn't win because...well there was no alcohol involved...better luck next time!
Bags Champs of the Pregame: Richard 'theKid' Wojcik & Ed 'theSamurai' Lopez - an impressive 6-0 record highlighted by 6 "BAGGO" tosses in a row by Ricky that completely castrated the Johnner. On the way, they picked up fabulous prizes that included a free lunch to Flat Top grill courtesy of the Sudaca brothers, Johnner and Luis. The only serious challenge came from the KG/iz3y combo, but ultimately, ED swooped in and saved theKID from the lashings he was receiving. The rematch is scheduled for Tuesday 6/24.

Bomb Squad News
BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
BS Summer '08 Game 4 Awards
Posted by iz3y! at 9:33 AM
Labels: BS Summer '08 Game 4, Game Awards
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