Bomb Squad News

BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


10.09.08 - Plea to the Team to go the BAR Part 6
We have to visit the bar today so please make an effort.  We all agree that sponsorship is sweet and that paying a 100 a person sux.  For those of us leaving from SUA, we will gather in our usual spot and head there.  The Cars will leave here at 5:03 so please be ready.
For the rest of you, make an effort to get there before the game, and afterwards we can discuss.  I know it is huge hassle going out and having a drink, but again, lets make and effort here.

Also, YOU + giving theKID $14/shirt u ordered = New BS Tshirt in ur hand.

Don't make us send Sarah to collect.