Bomb Squad News

BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

BS Summer '08 Game 2 Recap

On a dimly lit field, on a cold and hard Chicago night, the Bomb Squad met Phil & Lou for Game 2 of this young softball season.  The Bomb Squad was in immediate trouble when many of their players were either unable or unwilling to play, and barely arrived with the minimum amount of 8 players needed to play (5 guys and 3 girls, thanx kid for having the rules on lockdown).  Signed to a contract, was former DePaul Hayes-Healey legend, Ben Ricter, to play first base and provide the team with much needed speed.  With every measure exhausted, and every call made, the Bomb Squad took the field with the mindset of winning and having fun.
Almost immediately the Bomb Squad looked in trouble as the other team came with 7 guys and more in vans on the way and only 2 women, despite needing at least three.  The Bomb Squad, unfazed, asked to play on and match skills undeterred by the fact that techinically the other team had already forfeited.  A 6-0 deficit after the top half of the inning looked like maybe this wouldn't be the Squad's night.  The inning was highlighted by a long drive that clipped the Squad's superstar Outfielder, theKID, on his throwing hand causing it to swell and throb and severly impairing his playing ability, and that was the first play of the game.  Doctors warned that kid that his career could be in jeopardy, but theKID responded, "Damn that, a clown does not give up.  Especially one wearing a SURVIVOR BUFF...I am playing, just cut it off."  TheKID was then told his hand only needed ice and not a total amputation.
The Bomb squad unfazed scored its first run off of a double by leadoff hitter iz3y!, and a run scoring single by KG.  The rest of the game turned quite considerably in the Squad's favor and they used great defenisive play and outstanding pitching from the Colombian Wizard, Johnner Londono.  A patient eye all night by the entire batting order put many runners and provided many run scoring opportunities as iz3y! enjoyed his highest RBI (runs batted in) night of the season.  The Squad cruised to a 14-11 victory and toward a very impressive season.
In the 5 inning with the P&L looking to rally, ED 'the SAMURAI' Lopez made an impressive stab of a hard hit grounder and calmy flipped the ball to his brother for an important out and death blow to the rally.  The final inning just highlighted what was pretty evident throughout the game, that the Bomb Squad was going to win this game with defense and pitching, and they did just that. 
GAME NOTES: the Squad played without a full time second baseman.  Johnner became the only Colombian pitcher to win his first two games.  theKID will have an MRI and a juggling test today to determine the severity of the injury.  OK, maybe not an MRI as we don't even have everyone's fees in yet. NO homeruns were HOT in this game.  We literally called everyone we knew. The list included:
  • College roomates
  • friends
  • siblings who don't even know how to play the game
  • various people who were all moving on the same night
  • people who were too cold
  • ex boyfriend/girlfriends
  • Radio personality Lawrence Holmes of the SCORE 670 who couldn't broadcast this game due to technical difficulties