Bomb Squad News

BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

BS Summer '08 Game 4 Quotes

"DOUBLE OR NOTHING...IF U WIN U GET TWO LUNCHES, and IF WE WIN WE GET ONE!!!" - Johnner after losing his bet to the YOUNG GUNZ (theKid/ED)

"Where is ben?" - iz3y
"oh he left..he said he had to leave" - johnner
(team walks away)
"WHOOOAAAaaaa hey guys, wait up" - ben
"Hey ben, were u just playing ball?" - iz3y
"yeah...why?" - ben

"hey u should play softball with us" - ben
"i would love to" - cute waitress
"let me get ur number..." - ben
"SURE" - cute waitress
"no wait, give it to him, his brother runs the team" - ben
"oooookaaayyyyy" - puzzled cute waitress
" you have a boyfriend?" - light bulb finally coming on BEN
"no" - cute waitress
"then i should get ur number" - BEN

"Dude the cop is right there..." - Stephen as we try to sneak beer into the park for pre-game warmup. Quick side note...a guy came brazenly running with a case of 24 shortly thereafter.