Bomb Squad News

BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

BS Summer '08 Game 4 Recap

Fielding proved to be a key issue, on top of a lack of offense for the Bomb Squad as they dropped a squeaker 17-4 to Business Time.  The BS crew did start off hot, scoring 3 runs in the first inning, two of which came courtesy of another prodigious blast off the bat of Ricky 'theKID'.   What proved to be the costly lesson of the night was DEFENSE as Business Time flashed some impressive leather, highlighted by a stab of a searing shot off the bat of Ben Ricter by the BT shortstop.  "I couldn't hit it any harder if i tried.  It has been a long time since I have been on the farm bailing hay and tending to cows."  said DH, Ben Ricter.  The Bomb Squad did have their own defensive highlights as theKID gunned a runner at home and Kathy Gennuso filled in admirably at ShortStop after it was discovered she was a 8 time Gold Glover in her 65-over Church league.  With many call ups joining the lineup for the first time and the loss of their starting shortstop, defense was an adventure but they seemed to grow more comfortable as the game went on.
For the second straight outing though, the 'Colombian Dandy', Johnner Londono, had a rough outing letting his frustration show on the field.  Reports suggest that there was a confrontation with fiery manager, Iz3y Lopez in his office following the game but team officials downplayed it is two guys acting really stupid.  Iz3y had this to say, "I liked parts of our game out there, and I saw where we could improve.  I mean if we are going to compete we have to do better, toss better, hit the hole better, and generally have the mindset that you have to compete better."  When told that we were asking about the game and not that Bags tournament held before the game and specifically his reported back handing of his brother who failed to dive unnecessarily for a ball, he seemed puzzled.  "The game!  we are talking about the game?  What do you want me to say?  I thought for sure we would cover the ...I mean compete out there and we fell a little short.  We have a lot of new players who don't know the nuance of the game.  As for my brother, I don't know what he is afraid of...dive...lay out...what is going to happen?"  Iz3y then adjusted his sling and popped 4 Vicodin.
He did explode after he was asked if this was a moral victory of any sorts.  "Moral F***** Victory...u Play to the win the F******* Game!" , he shouted with spit flying everywhere. "Utterly ridiculous that you would think I would consider that a moral victory!"  When again reminded we were talking the game and not bags, he seemed embarrased again and popped more Vicodin.
The game did have some key moments for the Bomb Squad as Kelly McCann had the best game of her short career, and Luis learned that keeping his foot on First base is not always the best idea.  The real highlight of the game came in the tumultuous 2nd inning as Johnner, lept of the pitching mound like a rabid hyena to snag a sharp hit ground ball and ran to first to get the runner.  In the process he was, as some witnesses described, shoved in the back and told to get out of the way.  Johnner then proceeded to cop a feel of the runner's breast and returned to the mound.  This did not ease the team's pain of the loss, but Johnner seemed to have an extra hop in his step after that.
Before I do my awards here are a couple of rules that help me when i am playing! 
  1. Swing like your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband just starting banging your sister/brother/father/mother on your new Calvin Klein 800 count sheets and had the audacity to ask for a sandwich.
  2. Do take a strike when you have a 3-1 count and the pitcher has not thrown you a pitch within 4 feet of the strike zone, and you haven’t hit well anyway.
  3. Fly balls are pretty, line drives are deadly…Be deadly…make sure people are wearing cups out there.
  4. Running to first hard is not optional…it is mandatory..Run like your hair is on fire.  In some cases it might be if you are caught slacking off.
  5. Take the walk if the other team has taken 10 and/or has started talking shit.  Or, drive the next pitch into the pitchers mouth and you get a free round on me
  6. Remember that behind you, you have another opportunity waiting to drive in runs…GET ON BASE and make it happen with ur wheels
  7. Playing defense is not as fun as hitting, but it wins u games.  So stop the ball and get it back into play, yes even it means u have to get dirty.
  8. Never call out ur teammates, especially on the field.  We are a team. Play as a team.  Drink like a team.  WIN/Lose as a team.  Besides at some point that person u yelled at will have a bat in their hands at some point.
  9. Back each other up. U may think they have that ball no problem, but still be there just in case.  This works for in life too!
  10. No one borrows our bats.  If they didn’t bring one, we give them a stick or a shitty bat and let them know they are lucky we even gave them that.  MEAN MUG…and then walk away