Bomb Squad News

BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

BS Summer '08 Game 5 Quotes

"I have to friend is in a ....bind." - Malisse 'lil mala' Haarl

"Luis...what are u doing in rightfield?" - iz3y...luis plays firstbase

"Hey johnner throw Ted 'Theodore' Logan a strike" - iz3y
(four hundred foot blast later)
"Yeah keep talking shit to him" - Lame ass Wyld Stalyon
"Relax, it is not like I didn't know he wasn't going hit it...i even asked for a calm down." - iz3y


"Hey bro, I can't run, but I can hit. " - Steve 'andy from office'
"We can get u a runner" - iz3y
"Oh yeah?" - Steve 'andy from office'
"yeah, just get to first" - iz3y
"uhhh...yeah i guess i can do that..."- Steve 'andy from office'
"good..go do that!" - iz3y!
(he didn't)

'I am ready to dominate bags' - Alex 'theProfessor' Mendoza (ten minutes later he was whitewashed 11-0)

"17-3, I am killing ur ass" - Johnner
(10 minutes later)
"Game bitches, 21-19" - iz3y!

"that's bitchmade!" KG to iz3y for not wanting to throw his bag on the board and knock in theKID's bag.

thanks for reading..

another quick more beer in the park. They are sending in swat teams to crack down so we will figure something else out, but we will do something. This time, we need to know who will be coming because we are only buying for people who confirm they are in. We almost had to hire muscle to collect last time and that is not cool. Also, for those of you who need rides, lets figure out something that makes sense. We had people going way out of their way, and i am sure we can hook it up better. We all want to have fun, and so far we have been doing an outstanding job, so let's just get better with rides