Bomb Squad News

BS CREW: where athletic dreams become a reality.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

BS FALL '08 Game 1 & 2 Quotes

“SHUT THE F*CK UP ALREADY” – iz3y…coach asserting his will

“I like duct tape” – Opposing pitcher…still doesn’t mean we should cheer when she almost gets decapitated…cheer the LUBBERS!

“*$#$%#$%$# %$#%@#$% #$%@$$$$ @@#$#@!%$#” James ‘Ricochet’ Schwertfegger …after dropping a fly ball

“@#$$#@% ####%^^$#% ADSAS@#%$#@%$#@%” Ricky ‘theKID’ …after dropping his fly ball

“that’s it, next week we are doing $2 shots!” – KG

“Brett Favre is a drama queen!” – Sarah ‘Sasha’ Schabowski